Our Big Announcement!!!!

Well, I cannot believe that I’m even writing this blog right now, but here we are!!!!!! I am here to announce formally, finally, and officially, that WE ARE BUILDING!!!!!!!!!! And… OPENING A RESTAURANT!!!!! ****imagine me stomping around in glee, throwing confetti, and blowing a rainbow party blower!!!****

As you already know, we’ve been growing for 8.5 years! From our little spot between Duff’s and the phone store, to then doubling in size by taking over the phone store, we are now outgrowing our space again! Hallelujah amen! At the beginning of last year, Sarah and I began pondering and praying about how to continue growing in the right way, and we felt the Lord calling us to property on 114. We began dreaming, like CRAZY DREAMING, what could this mean, what could this be, who could we serve? Remember my blog about how God was teaching me to dream last year? Now, we’re officially sharing those dreams and how they’re coming to life!!! 

1. Our New Building

We are building a NEW LAMBERT HOME on the Northwest corner of 114 and White Chapel. This new space will house our interior design and construction company, the retail store and showroom (only 3 times bigger!!), and a massive warehouse. Now, we’re going to have so much more room to provide a better service to our design clients and retail shoppers! And that’s not all!!

2. The Greenhouse

We will be opening our newest brand in the growing Lambert lineup: THE GREENHOUSE, a unique dining experience with offerings ranging from coffee, brunch, cocktails, to lunch. I am personally SOOOOOO excited about launching The Greenhouse! I haven’t really felt this way about anything we’ve done so far because this business feels like a representation of my interests and passions, while Lambert Home represents Sarah’s interests and passions. Now we’ll both be represented in our work!

The time, heart, spirit, and energy that we’ve put into this brand and this experience, I genuinely feel like I’m offering a little piece of myself to this community. I’m just so hopeful that you enjoy the experience and feel as cared for, loved, and special as I want you to feel!!! 

Selecting plates for The Greenhouse restaurant

Pray With Us

We have months and months of uphill battle left to go, and I would so so so so so appreciate y’all joining in prayer with us as we continue to step forward in faith.

  1. That the Lord would help the process go smoothly, and that everything would fall into place in His perfect timing.

    Building a building and opening a new business at the same time is no joke. There are so many pieces that have to come together, so many plans to get approved, and so so so many meetings! Please pray with us that all of these pieces will come together at the right time, in the right way, so that we can get started on BUILDING!!!

  2. That Sarah and I would have clarity in decision-making.

    Again - this is no joke! There are so many decisions to be made!!! I’m talking design, menu, pricing, etc. We need the Lord’s direction on not getting bogged down in the decision-making process, and to be confident in our very well-thought out, intentional choices.

We’re Bringing You Along!

So!!! We have committed to documenting this ENTIRE process and want you to join along! We will be regularly posting vlogs on our YouTube channel so you can get super special, behind the scenes access to all that goes into making our dreams come true. If you’re new here, we recommend starting with LH Vlog 1 to get to know us a little better, then move on to LH Vlog 2: The Dream for all the details on this special announcement.

Don’t want to miss a beat? Make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube channel, and turn on notifications so you know when our next vlog post is out! You’ll also want to make sure you’re subscribed to our email newsletter, because we will be sending super fun, EXCLUSIVE stuff to our subscribers!!


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